Ryan Philippe Ottawa RealtorRyan Philippe Ottawa RealtorSeller TipsSeller TipsSeller Tips 15 February 2024

Can’t Show your Home on Weekdays? Consider these Options

Although weekends are a prime time to schedule viewings, many buyers will
prefer to see your property on a weekday evening. Buyers might, for example,
be interested in your listing but be out of town on the weekend. If you don’t
accommodate their request for a weekday evening appointment, you might
lose that opportunity.

So, when it comes to scheduling viewing appointments, being flexible and
accommodating is always advised.

But, what if you’re going to be away during the week or have another reason
why you can’t show your home Monday to Friday?

There are a few options you can consider.

One is to use a Lock Box. This is a secure box that contains a front door key.
(You may have seen these when shopping for a home yourself.) Only your real
estate agent has access. If a different agent wants to show a client your home,
they’ll need to make an appointment and get access from your agent.
A Lock Box can ease any security concerns you have about showing your
home while away.

Another option is to not schedule weekday appointments but be VERY
accommodating during the weekend. That means allowing a potential buyer to
see your property Sunday at 7:00 PM. It’s essentially a trade-off, but it can

Finally, if you don’t want appointments during the week because you have
such a busy household — kids in school, evening work shifts, etc. — consider
making just one weekday available. For example, offer showings on
Wednesdays from 5:00-7:30 PM. That might be a slight inconvenience, but it
will have been worth it if an interested buyer sees your property and makes a
good offer.

Bottom line: Do what you can to make it as easy as possible for buyers to see
your home.

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