Ryan Philippe Ottawa RealtorSeller TipsSeller TipsSeller Tips 2 March 2023

Fix it? Or leave it “as is”?

When preparing your property for sale, you want to make it as attractive as
possible to buyers. After all, the more buyers like what they see, the higher the
probability you’ll get good offers.

That’s why it’s advisable to clean, declutter, decorate, fix, and improve as
much as possible.

But, how far should you go with fixing and improving? For example, should you
tear down the old deck and build a new one? Or, should you leave it as is?
Should you paint the main floor? Or is it okay to leave the faded finish and few
wall dents just as they are?

Those can be difficult questions to answer because many factors come into

• What is the traditional return on investment for that home improvement?
(In other words, how much will you get back when you sell?)

• To what degree will the fix or improvement help sell your home faster
and/or for a higher price?

• If you don’t make the fix or improvement, will those deficiencies be likely
to dissuade buyers who would otherwise be interested in buying your

• What are the current market conditions? Are there other listings in the
area competing with yours?

• How much will the fix or improvement cost? Is it affordable, given the
benefits of having a listing that’s more attractive and move-in ready?
Once you have answers to those questions, you’ll have a clearer idea of
whether to fix it or leave it as is.

I can help you get those answers. Call today.